Caring for our coral reefs in Kane’ohe Bay!

“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much” – Helen Keller

This quote is a great source of motivation for our work as a TNC team in Kāne’ohe Bay!  We spent the first half of the day getting trained by TNC Hawaii Program’s wonderful science advisor, Dwayne Minton, who showed us how to conduct coral surveys.  These surveys are part of a larger effort to monitor the effects of the Super Sucker’s alien algae removal.  The alien algae (Kappaphycus sp. and Eucheuma sp.) are wreaking environmental havoc in the bay, smothering areas along the shore and the patch reefs found throughout the bay.  Learning these coral surveys will help us to understand the health of the corals on the areas where the alien algae is being removed.  The data will help us to identify the ability of the corals to flourish again after the alien algae is no longer smothering them from the sun, space, and nutrients they require to live.  Image

After yesterday, we now have a rising group of TNC employees who will now be able to assist with completing the coral surveys, which will help us to understand how to develop and implement strategic removal efforts. 


*Speaking of a rising up!  This is a call to action.  If you are able, please consider donating to a TNC Hawai’i fundraising campaign to raise money for a new work boat for the Super Sucker project to help restore a healthy bay for all to use.  Your gifts will be matched dollar-for-dollar! 

Click here to make your contribution to “Save our Kane’ohe Bay”.

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